Used 2019 Cushman Golf Carts All Hauler 800 Gas For Sale
2019 Cushman Hauler 800 Gas, 2019 Cushman® Hauler® 800 Gas, and 2019 Cushman® Hauler® 800 Gas Hard work begins here with an 8.4-cu-ft cargo bed and an 800-lb total load capacity.
The most regarded laborers have gained notoriety for taking care of business every day of the week – like the trustworthy Hauler® 800. It provides the practical power you need to complete your to-do list and is available with a gas or electric powertrain.
Elements might include:
Proficient and solid, your go-to vehicle.
BRUSHGUARD AND HEADLIGHTS Prepared to work all hours.
8.4-CU-FT CARGO BED WITH OPTIONAL BED DIVIDER Load up on your belongings and head out.
HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL DASH With storage and control that lead the industry at your fingertips.
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